Blogging University logo #blogging201Since embarking upon this #blogging201 challenge, it’s made me think more than just about the practicalities of setting up a blog and what to write, and much more about branding and image. These are all things I am interested in anyway and have an unconscious appreciation of, but now I am thinking about it more consciously.

Added to that I am helping a friend with setting up a company and talking about name, logo and corporate colours. That inevitably has led me to see what others do and have to say on the matter, so I’ve found some resources others may find useful.

In looking for advice about choosing corporate colours, I have come across this great resource, which I have to share. Blog Design Essentials: Create A Visually Stunning Blog

There’s a series of posts, which are very useful for anyone on a budget who cannot afford to pay a designer. But even if you can then it helps to understand the language and communicate an effective brief. The collection of posts are titled:

  1. Blog Design Starts With A Solid Theme
  2. The Essential Guide To What Colors Communicate
  3. Choosing Your Brand Colors Like A Pro
  4. Keep Your Social Icons Updated [Download]
  5. Essential Guide To Creating A Stunning Reading Experience
  6. Social Media And Blog Design

The Essential Guide to What Colours Communicate has a great sharable graphic as a memory aid (see below) but goes into more detail.

What colours communicate guide

It’s not a precise science, though, and for me there are things about taste too. So I was particularly pleased to be signposted in “Choosing Your Brand Colors Like a Pro” to (and not just because the domain is UK spelling ;-)), and I have picked this palette that I’m pretty sure my friend will like and will also work for the project we have in mind.

Palette with 5 complementary colours

It is so wonderful that people contribute to these collaborative projects and write about things that are helpful to others.