Hey everyone, I got my first blogging award, from alittletypical and it’s sort of a blogging chain letter challenge, but based on the fact that the person awarding it thinks you will be up for it having looked at your blog and that you don’t have lots of followers (I think). The challenge was this:

Use THREE words/ colours/ animals/ songs/Disney characters / Greek mythological figures to describe YOURSELF. It can be in a form of essays, drawings, photographs, collage, video or any other media for expression.

My worst nightmare! I don’t do such participation things, I don’t pass on chain emails, I don’t post statuses supporting things in facebook, I don’t do selfies with no makeup on and give the charity. It’s just not my thing. No offence, it just puts me under too much pressure to conform and I just can’t do it. But not wishing to upset anyone and finding myself trying to make new friends in the blogosphere as part of #blogging201, I thought a lot about it, came up with some old nonsense. But then I had a flash of inspiration and realised what I have to do is the above image. Sums me up in 3 words and has one of my kaleidoscopes in the background.

Where did this Liebster Blog Award originate? I’m not the only one to wonder this. The top answer I found before stopping that line of inquiry was this from Sopphey Says who is clearly a woman of taste as she has a purple background 😉

From that I realise I can decide to decline this award – I DO – and not pass it on – I WON’T – but instead I will mention some blogs that I think are worth a look:

  • I really like the overall look and colour scheme of alittletypical and I am happy to have made that connection
  • I made a new connection via twitter this week and that took me to this blog Having Fun With Depression
  • And also thanks to #blogger201, I have come across the avant garde art and photography of redstuffdan, which I am enjoying a lot

I’ve learnt lots of new stuff recently, but I think I will save that for another post another day.